Charter and Bylaws
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024, 03:50 PM
This organization will be known as the Department of Marketing External Advisory Board (EAB).
The EAB serves to advise the Department of Marketing on curriculum matters and on matters related to external relations with alumni. Five constituencies will be served by this board: The College of Business, Marketing Alumni, Current Marketing Students, Future Marketing Students, Marketing Faculty and Staff and The Marketing Department as a whole. All rules and bylaws of the EAB are subject to the overall focus of the College of Business and functions at the discretion of the Dean of Business.
Specific objectives of the EAB include the following:
- To provide an effective link between marketing education in the Department and marketing practice in the business, civic and Not For Profit communities.
- To serve as a sounding board for present and proposed programs and activities of the Department in areas such as curriculum development and content, executive education, strategic planning and long-range development, and other issues arising in education delivery systems and business practices affecting the future of the Department.
- To advance the positive image of the Department
- To identify opportunities for student and faculty development (e.g. internships, externships, traineeships, applied research, student employment, career option awareness, mentoring, etc).
- To assist the Department with external fund raising efforts and to help the Department broaden its financial base.
- To assist the Department in achieving greater faculty and student contact and exposure to key Marketing Practitioners in both formal and informal setting
- To otherwise aid the Department in its quest for excellence in research, teaching, and professional service.
- The External Advisory Board will be made up of business and civic leaders with a passion to be involved with helping the Department, and in promoting and improving higher education for marketing.
- Annual Dues for membership on the External Advisory Board will be $500 payable at the beginning of the fall semester. Recent graduates from the Marketing curriculum will be expected to make a contribution of $100 until 5 years after their graduation date. At that point, $500 will be due annually.
- Prospective candidates for Board membership shall be submitted by the EAB’s Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Executive Committee, see article 4 section d)) to the Faculty and then the EAB for approval.
- The External Advisory Board will have not more than thirty (30) members.
- Newly appointed Board members will begin their term of office immediately following their appointment by the faculty of the Department of Marketing and the EAB.
- The Chair of the Department of Marketing of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale will serve as an ad hoc member of the Board to function as a liaison between the EAB and the Department of Marketing.
- One officer from each Marketing registered student organization (American Marketing Association and Pi Sigma Epsilon) will serve one year terms as ad hoc board members with full voting rights. Dues set at $1.00 per year.
- Board membership will consist of an initial three year term. After the initial three year term, members may be reappointed for additional three year terms.
- Board membership comes with the expectation that all regular board members will attend two meetings annually. It is also expected that a regular member accept an assignment as an officer or a member of a standing committee. Regular membership comes with the responsibility of voting on issues before the board. Attendance at a meeting via some electronic media is considered meeting attendance.
- All members who have successfully served on the Board may be nominated as emeritus members of the EAB. Emeritus members of the EAB may participate in all Board activities, but will have no vote on Board matters. Appointments will be for a 3-year term and may be renewable at the discretion of the Board.
- Honorary membership is also available. Honorary members are also welcome at all board events, but will have no voting rights.
- The Executive Committee can remove a Board Member for cause. This can only be done with a majority vote of the five members.
- The external Advisory Board will meet at least twice a year, once in the fall and again in the spring. At the discretion of the Chair of the Department of Marketing or the majority of the Executive Committee, additional meetings may be held each year. To the extent practical, all meetings will be held on the campus of Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
- Half (50%) of the voting membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum. A vote of the majority of voting members present (including signed proxies) will be needed for the adoption of any matter at a meeting of the Board of. Signed proxy votes can be used to form a quorum.
- C. The officers of the External Advisory Board will consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, and a Secretary. These officers will be elected by the External Advisory Board members at their spring meeting and serve for the following fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
1. Directors will be appointed by the executive committee in the following areas:
a. Director of By-Laws,
b. Director of Social Media,
c. Director of Membership,
d. Director of Mentoring,
e. Director of Recent Graduates,
f. The remaining members will be directors at a large
2. Each named director will report on committee activities at each meeting. - The External Advisory Board officers, the Chair of the Department of Marketing and the Board’s immediate past chair will constitute the Executive Committee of the EAB.
- The Executive Committee will prepare the agenda for each regular meeting, serve as a sounding board between meetings, and perform other such functions as the Board of Advisors deems appropriate and assigns to it. The agenda will be sent to EAB members and faculty, 2 (two) weeks prior to any scheduled meeting. A proposed meeting agenda template is attached as. “ATTACHMENT A, MEETING AGENDA TEMPLATE”.
- The External Advisory Board (EAB) may create such standing and special committees as it deems useful to the exercise of its functions. In addition, the EAB will determine the functions, duties, membership, and terms of office for each committee.
- Minutes of the External Advisory Board meetings will be:
- Distributed by the Board Secretary to members eight weeks prior to the next meeting.
- Minutes of action items will be distributed within two weeks after the Board meeting
- Proposed amendments to these Bylaws may be submitted to the Secretary of the Board who will report the proposal to the EAB at its next regular meeting.
- Every three years the director of Bylaws will establish a committee to review the substance of these Bylaws.
- The Review Committee will submit its report to the Secretary of the Board of Advisors who will place it on the agenda for the EAB at its next regular meeting.
- A proposal to amend the Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the membership of the EAB at least one month prior to its next regular meeting
- Any proposal to amend the Bylaws will be adopted and become effective when approved by a majority of those members voting on the proposal. (Assuming a Quorum has been met as previously defined)
- These Bylaws may also be amended through a mail ballot.